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Не считай цыплЯт, прежде чем онИ вЫлупятся // Не следует быть слИшком уверенным в успехе, пока дело не завершено.

Although I still believe that honesty is the best policy, 1 dislike policy altogether, though it is just as weU oot to count your chickens before tЬеу are bаtсhеd, it's still more hateful to Couot tЬem with gloating wЬео tЬеу are batched. (Lawrence)

"То tell the truth, Miss Drew, Fred and I were thunderstruck at the will which left everything to the Tophams. That wasn't what Cousin Josiah led us to believe." "lt certainly wasn't," Fred spoke up. "But I guess William and I counted oar chickens before they were hatched." (Кеепе)

"Му dear," said Cosmo, "I do wish уоо would not count аll your chickens so long before they are hatched. You're not fair to yourself. l've told you so before." Неr elation disappeared. Yes, she told him, that was just his way, wasn't it? То destroy her confidence? (Johnson)

"What am I supposed to make of that ?" "Don't have kittens before they're hatched. And for pity's sake don't hedge or shuffle : that never did anybody any good. Least of all your young man." (Marsh)

"And now they'll Iive near us and I'11 have someone to talk to, won't I ?" "Don't count your chickens." ( Winsor)

"Well, Em?" "Dinny will have two boys and а girL" "Deuce she will ! That's Couting hеr chikens rather fiSt." (Galsworthy)